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CORBA Trail Crew

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2022 Trail Work Schedule

October 15, Sunday
Conejo Open Space Fall Trail Work Day: Wishbone Trail

March 19, Saturday
Conejo Open Space Spring Trailwork Day from Wildwood Park

March 12, Saturday
Guadalasca Trail in Point Mugu State Park


December 14, Saturday
Backbone Trail from Will Rogers State Park with Girlz Gone Riding

November 16, Saturday
Backbone Trail from Mulholland to Etz Meloy

November 9, Saturday
Sage Trail in Pt. Mugu State Park

October 19, Saturday
COSCA Fall Work Day in the Conejo Canyons

April 27-28, Sat & Sun
SMM Trail Days in Pt Mugu State Park

April 20, Saturday
Crags Rd in Malibu Creek State Park

March 16, Saturday
COSCA Spring Work Day in Hawk Canyon


June 16, Saturday
COSCA Spring Work Day

May 26, Saturday
COSCA Bonus Work Day

April 29, Sunday
Santa Monica Mountains Trail Days

April 28, Saturday
Santa Monica Mountains Trail Days

April 14, Saturday
Backone Trail from Latigo Cyn Rd

January 13, Saturday
Backbone Trail from Kanan



November 11, Saturday
Crags Rd in Malibu Creek SP

October 21, Saturday
COSCA Annual Trailwork Day

April 30, Sunday
SMM Trail Days

April 29, Saturday
SMM Trail Days

April 22, Saturday
Grasslands Trail Reroute in Malibu Creek SP

March 18, Saturday
Conejo Spring Trailwork in the Western Plateau
































 Did you know that due to budget cutbacks, almost all trail maintenance is currently being completed by volunteers? 

CORBA members have given thousands of hours to the mountains by building new trails and maintaining existing ones. Although the work can be exhausting, it is a rewarding feeling to ride a trail you've helped build and or maintain.

Organized by CORBA - Available to everyone!

You do not have to be a CORBA member or even a mountain bike rider to join us. Everyone is welcome. No experience is required. Each session begins with a review of safety procedures and use of the tools. We will provide the tools and training.

What to Bring

  • sturdy shoes
  • safety (sun) glasses
  • long pants
  • long sleeves
  • hat
  • gloves
  • sunblock
  • water (lots of it!)
  • snack

In conjunction with California State Parks, the National Park Service, Conejo Open Space and Conservation Agency (COSCA), the National Forest Service, the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy and the Santa Monica Mountains Trail Council (SMMTC), we generally organize at least one work day per month. Dates are selected in advance so you can mark your calendar. Check back with us periodically.

Work times are usually 8:30 am - 2:30 pm.

Rain Policy: Heavy rain cancels - drizzle and/or rain the previous day does not!

Trail Crew Education

If you want to learn more about how to do proper trail building, repair and maintenance please see our Trail building and maintenance videos page.

Trailwork Archive


October 15, 2016
COSCA Annual Workday

April 24, Sunday
SMM Trail Days

April 23, Saturday
SMM Trail Days

April 9, Saturday
Backbone Trail Yerba Buena

  • This event was cancelled due to rain

April 2, Saturday
Backbone from Kanan

March 19, Saturday
COSCA Spring Trailwork Day

Feb 27, Saturday
Backbone Trail Yerba Buena

Feb 6, Saturday
Backbone Trancas Canyon

January 15, Friday
Giant Bikes Volunteer Day



October 31, Saturday
Backbone Trail Mulholland

October 17, Saturday
Conejo Canyons - COSCA

April 26, Sunday
SMM Trail Days

April 25, Saurday
SMM Trail Days

March 21
Lizard Rock - COSCA Spring Trailwork Day in Thousand Oaks

February 28
High School Riders and Young Sailors on the Bark Park Trail in Calabasas

February 21
Wood Canyon Vista Trail (Backbone) in Pt Mugu State Park

January 31
High School riders work in Calabasas

January 16, 2015
Giant bikes Los Robles Trail West Bypass


December 6
Backbone Trail Mulholland to Etz Meloy, take 2

November 8
Backbone Trail Mulholland to Etz Meloy

October 18
COSCA Annual Trailwork Day in Thousand Oaks

April 25-27
Santa Monica Mountains Trails Days at Sycamore Canyon

March 22
COSCA Spring Trailwork Day - Building a new trail into Wildwood Park in Thousand Oaks

February 23
Los Robles Trail West in Thousand Oaks (Space Mountain)

January 25
Backbone Trail between Latigo Cyn Rd and Newton Mtw



November 9
Backbone Trail between Latigo Cyn Rd and Newton Mtw

October 19
COSCA Annual Trailwork Day in Thousand Oaks

June 15
Guadalasca Trail

June 8
Wood Canyon Vista Trail

May 11
Space Mtn in Thousand Oaks

April 20
Santa Monica Mtns Trail Days (Saturday)

April 21
Santa Monica Mnts Trail Days (Sunday)

March 23
Conejo Open Space Spring Trailwork Day

February 23
Backbone Trail between Kanan Rd and Zuma Ridge Mtwy


December 1
Backbone Trail between Kanan Rd and Zuma Ridge Mtwy - Rained Out

October 20
COSCA Annual Trailwork Day in Thousand Oaks

October 20-21
IMBA Trail Care Crew Visit

September 15
Mesa Peak Singletrack Backbone Trail

June 2
National Trails Day at Redbox, Angeles National Forest

April 27-29
State Trails Days in Pt Mugu State Park

April 14
Guadalasca Trail
(This trailwork was cancelled due to bad weather)March 24
COSCA Spring Trailwork Day

March 17
Guadalasca Trail

February 25
Guadalasca Trail

January 21/22
El Prieto Trail

January 14
Gabrielino Trail

January 8
Rim Trail



December 28-30
Rim Trail

December 3-4
Gabrielio and Rim Trails in the Angeles National Forest

October 15
Annual COSCA Trailwork Day

September 11
Verdugo Peak Trails

June 4
National Trails Day at
Sunset Ridge in the Angeles National Forest

April 29-May 1
Santa Monica Trails Day at Pt. Mugu State Park

April 23
Backbone Trail near Latigo Cyn Rd

March 26
Conejo Open Space Annual Spring Trailwork Day: Potrero Ridge Trail in Newbury Park

February 19, 2011
Sheep Corral Trail in Cheeseboro Canyon cancelled due to rain

January 30, 2011
Mt Wilson Trail - Sierra Madre


November 13
Wood Canyon Vista Trail and Prize Giveaway

November 7
El Prieto Trail

October 30
Rogers Road with SMMTC

October 16
COSCA Trail Work Day

October 9
Castaic Lake FTF Trails

September 18
Duekmejian Park in La Crescenta

September 4
Rogers Road in Topanga State Park

July 17
Rogers Road in Topanga State Park

July 10
Doc Larson Trail, Sunland Area, Angeles National Forest

June 26
Doc Larson Trail, Sunland Area, Angeles National Forest

June 5
National Trails Day at Malibu Creek State Park and in the Angeles Forest

May 29
New Millennium Trail in Calabassas

April 23-25
Santa Monica Mtns Trail Days at Pt Mugu State Park

April 17
State Trail Day in the Angeles National Forest

March 27
COSCA Spring Trailwork Day, Mountain Creek Trail in Newbury Park

January 30, 2010
Rogers Road, lunch provided

January 9, 2010
Middle Merrill Trail, lunch provided! View the flier 


2009-05-23: Secret Trail in Calabasas

A few CORBA volunteers helped the Santa Monica Mountains Trails Council with trailwork in Calabasas. View the photo gallery here.

2008-01-19: Guadalasca Trail in Sycamore Canyon

During a joint work day with SMMTC, we worked mostly on the lower third of the trail to remove the outside berm that was channeling water down the middle of the trail, forming a rut. View the photo gallery here.

2007-10-13: COSCA Trail Day

CORBA joined other user groups to work on COSCA's Hidden Meadow trail.  We rerouted a large section of the trail. The trail work was followed by a barbecue and a raffle. View the  photo gallery here.

2007-04-07: Silver Moccasin Trail

We took a crew down the Silver Moccasin Trail below Shortcut Saddle.  We made some good progress.  See the animated photo at right.

2007-03-13: Reino Trail off Reino Road in Newbury Park.

As of our last joint work day on this trail with the SMMTC the trail is now complete. It connects Reino Rd in Newbury Park with Via Las Brisas in Dos Vientos, across the street from the a connector to the Sierra Vista and Pool View Trails. View the photo gallery and video here. View map.

2006-12-09: Rogers Road Trail Day

We cleared out the brush and widened the trail, mostly near the big oak tree. View the photo gallery here.

2005-02-05: Reino Trail with the IMBA Trail Crew

IMBA Trail Crew members Nat and Rachel visited for a couple of days. On Friday night they gave a presentation on IMBA's activities to support trail building. On Saturday, we extended the roughed-out Reino Trail, more than doubling the length of finished trail.  View the photo gallery and video here.






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